Whoever generates the demand captures the value

Whoever generates the demand captures the value

May '21

Forerunner Ventures recent post, "The next revolution in commerce will be driven by the seller," explained this point above perfectly. Here are a couple of snippets relevant to Maverick:

  • "Creators" want to cut out the middleman and sell directly to their consumers on a 1:1 basis with genuine connection as the foundation.
  • Today, this manifests as digital microtransactions with single consumers.
  • While the transformation in digital commerce over the last decade was inspired by a thoroughly modern buyer, Forerunner is convinced the next evolution will be propelled by the seller.

The "seller" described above is the individual fitness creator. Maverick Community will maximize creators' earning potential by offering them flexible, on-demand space, equipment, and services.

Also, I loved this Twitter thread detailing a pitch deck that Spore used to raise their $1m pre-seed round. Spore is building a platform for creators to engage and monetize their audience. Think Shopify for creators.

Go back to Maverick Community May 2021 update

Read next thought "The Ownership Economy and how crypto may improve our creators' lives"