In-Person Fitness Professionals > Content Creating Fit Pros
In-Person Fitness Professionals > Content Creating Fit Pros

In-Person Fitness Professionals > Content Creating Fit Pros

Pete Dupuis perfectly sums up why we made the pivot to only partner with fitness & health professionals committed to delivering exceptional in-person experiences.


We’ve found a negative correlation between the number of followers a physical therapist or trainer has on Instagram and the number of clients they actually train. There are exceptions to this, but we haven’t found many! Busy professionals don’t have time to post on social as they’re too busy helping clients in person. Additionally, the most knowledgeable physical therapists and trainers know that it can be dangerous to serve bite-size pieces of information to the public and instead get more joy from focusing on serving custom solutions to their one-on-one clients.

So, instead of helping our customers scale by building up their digital social accounts, we’re doubling down on what they do best (and what they love doing)… training in-person clients.

The top physical therapists and trainers are busy training 30+ clients per week and have waitlists but don’t have the time or knowledge to turn the waitlist into cash. This is where Maverick comes in. We help our busy customers scale their businesses by developing a mentor-based certification program and marketing it to excellent mentee candidates. There is a huge pipeline of new physical therapists specializing in performance coming out of schools, and Maverick’s program is the perfect place for them to start their careers. Instead of going to a corporate clinic and working on 15+ clients per day, they can learn and earn employment from a mentor that they want to be in 10 years.

Click HERE to see ~20 DPT West Coast University students at our facility.

Over the last 6-weeks, we helped Dr. Lauren Clark hire two mentee Physical Therapists that she will train and pass down clients to when they’re ready. Lauren benefits by scaling her business, Maverick benefits from the increase in sessions, and the mentees benefit from intimate access and employment from a top physical therapist in their desired field.

Read more about the overall program HERE and see Lauren’s specific training curriculum HERE.

Our Maverick mentor-based certification program is all about scaling knowledge (versus the online world, which is all about scaling personality). These top physical therapists and trainers have been studying and growing their crafts for decades, and our system finally translates this dedication to growing their knowledge into additional earnings by helping them grow a team!

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