Maverick Community Update - February 2021

Maverick Community Update - February 2021

Table of Contents

πŸ‘ Highlights

πŸ“š Learnings

πŸƒ Next Moves

πŸ™Œ Asks

πŸ™ Gratitude

πŸ‘ Highlights

  • We’ve come to a handshake agreement with a landlord at a great location in Hollywood (same landlord as the Wanderlust space mentioned in previous months). The site, Casita Hollywood, is typically used for weddings and events, and has 9k sqft of beautiful outdoor space for us to activate. We hope to have the lease agreement in the next week. The location is central (close enough to Los Feliz, West Hollywood, and Beverly Hills) and desired by trainers.
  • We changed our name to Maverick Community (dba Maverick Community). We are building a community of Mavericks!
    • We have begun the process of trademarking Maverick Community.
  • Michael got accepted to OnDeck, a 10-week course with a community of entrepreneurs focused on growing their businesses. This group will be hugely beneficial to Maverick Community in learnings, connections, and future fundraising. Learn more about OnDeck by reading this post.
  • Our website will be launching at the end of the month/early next month. We plan to use the first iteration of the website to gather new wellness professional emails.
    • We are working with Sutra to build our website and power the scheduling software and payments. Sutra has hundreds of wellness professionals using their software and is essentially doing what Maverick is doing but in the digital space. Additionally, Sutra will help us recruit wellness professionals to use our physical space.
  • We’ve added two fantastic wellness professional advisors to the team - Pixie Acia and Mariana Sanchez-Williams. Pixie specializes in Spin and Yoga, while Mariana focuses more on bootcamp/HIIT and running. They help us connect with other wellness professionals, which equipment to order, which locations are most desirable, etc.
  • Maverick Forward has been incorporated, and we have started the process of the 501c3 application with the IRS.

πŸ“š Learnings

  • After a couple of months negotiating with the landlord, we lost out on the Wanderlust Hollywood location. Coincidentally, we made a deal with the same landlord at one of their different Hollywood locations.
  • The Los Angeles-based angel funder has decided to β€˜hold’ on the seed funding for our non-profit Executive Director (ED) position. We’re not deterred and plan to raise enough support to hire the ED no later than year-end.

πŸƒ Next Moves

  • We have designed the Casita Hollywood space and will be ordering all of the wood shortly (for dividers, planks, and planters). See the layout of the design here.
  • We are in the process of ordering fitness equipment - Stages spin bikes (same as Soul Cycle), HIIT equipment (similar to Barry’s Bootcamp), and personal training equipment. We will also be ordering silent disco headphones to eliminate any potential neighbor issues with music.
  • We have a mission statement, but we are thinking about the idea of a mission question (inspiration: Farnam Street podcast).

πŸ™Œ Asks

  • Introductions to personal trainers, physical therapists, and other wellness professionals in Los Angeles. We would love to speak with anyone and everyone.
  • Introductions to non-profit leaders doing impactful work in South LA related to entrepreneurship and/or fitness.

πŸ™ Gratitude

  • Rachel Lea Fishman (not related to Michael) and Josh Archer from Sutra have been excellent thought partners. They believe in Maverick Community and are incentivized to help fill our studios as their wellness professional clients are asking for physical space.
  • Brett Greenstein - thank you for working so quickly to come up with a unique and thoughtful design. Our outdoor fitness activation is going to be an inspiring place to train.

Thanks for your support. Please reach out if you'd like to learn more or talk further.

323.417.9300 (text/call)