Pacaso Co-Ownership Model

Pacaso Co-Ownership Model

Apr '21

Pacaso has revolutionized second home buying with a fractional co-ownership model. NFTs are shaking things up and allowing assets such as digital art to be owned by multiple owners. It is clear that people desire ownership, and sharing the financial burden makes ownership possible for everyone.

I believe this co-ownership model could be an interesting future strategy for Maverick Community. Wellness professionals, like trainers or fitness instructors, strive to own a gym but either do not want to take the risk, do not have the capital, or feel intimated because they think they don't have the business acumen.

Maverick Community could create a property LLC to purchase the property and find wellness professionals to be co-owners who would own 100% of the location. Then, Maverick Community would act as a management company taking care of furnishings, equipment, repairs, utilities, property management, and software/tech (ex: a marketplace that allows wellness professionals to rent out open space). The wellness professionals could enjoy ownership with very little of the risks or hassle of traditional ownership (the peoples gym / co-op gym model).

This model could be a better, new-age franchising model as co-ownership allows for splitting the typically high up-front costs and wouldn't have the onerous franchise royalty fees.

Go back to Maverick Community April 2021 update

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