Indirection —> Sales

Indirection —> Sales


Some hot takes regarding “SALES”

  • No one likes being sold to and this becomes especially true the more money your prospective customer earns.
  • The more you “sell” high end customers (via constant follow ups / “just checking in”), the less the customer trusts you, which is never helpful in the sales process.
  • You can’t want the customer more than they want you! If the goal is to acquire customers for the long-term then “convincing” shouldn’t be part of the sales formula. You must prove you can provide substantial value and the best way to accomplish this is by word of mouth referrals from your existing customers.
  • Treat your existing customers so well (provide outstanding value, provide excellent customer service, provide a unique service/product that others can’t, provide upgrades/improvements to your offering by listening to your customers, etc.) so that they talk about you to their friends/colleagues/family/etc. There is nothing more powerful than a referral from a trusted source. New customers will come when others are singing your praises.
  • Getting and staying busy as a 1 on 1 practitioner (such as a trainer or a physical therapist) takes time… you must play the long game. It’s just like building a brand. The busiest trainers + PTs at Maverick are all getting busy via referrals from existing customers and referrals from their network of other practitioners in adjacent spaces (ex: massage therapists, tennis coaches, etc.). NOT from SEO or social media or facebook spend, etc.
  • ~100% of our customers renting space at Maverick have come via word of mouth referrals (trainers + PTs recommending other trainers + PTs).

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